Marcel van der Linden writes on council communism. In PDF format. Copied to clipboard From Class against Class Attachments Council communism.pdf (90.53 KB) council communism Marcel van der Linden PDF Comments
Marx’s critique of socialist labor-money schemes and the myth of council communism’s Proudhonism - David Adam In this article, David Adam takes aim at Gilles Dauvé's critique of the council…
Leaving the swamp - L'Ouvrier Communiste An article published in August, 1929 in L'Ouvrier Communiste (the Communist Worker) issue no. 1, which was the journal of the Communist Workers'…
Militancy: highest stage of alienation - Part 2 Published in France 2 years after part 1, part 2 puts part 1 in into the political context it was published in and expands on its themes.
Western Marxism and the Soviet Union - Marcel van der Linden Marcel van der Linden reviews various Marxian theories on the nature of the Soviet Union.
The councilist movement in Germany (1914-1935): A history of the AAUD-E tendency Article tracing the origins and theoretical development of the 'unitary' current of the General…